O is 4 Months Old!

Where the heck is the summer and our little baby boy going?!  In the middle of July, Oliver turned 4 months old and - once again - it is so amazing to see how they grow from just week to week let alone month to month!  He is so super smiley when he is happy, which is a good portion of the time, but is also a bit dramatic when he cries...you'd think it was the end of the world...HAHA.  He loves playing with his feet as well as bringing his hands together and putting them in his mouth.  He sits up pretty well in the Bumbo chair and continues to roll from back to belly...hasn't figured out how to turn the other way yet.  We once again made a visit to Dr. K to get his stats at 4 months and here is how he measures up:  Height, 26 3/4 inches - and Weight, 11 lbs 10 oz.  He continues to be 95% + for height (and 1/2 inch shorter than E was at 4 months), but dropped to 5% for weight.  How the heck do we have such long, skinny babies!  Because he grew almost 2 inches in 2 months, Dr. K wasn't concerned that he only gained a little over 1/2 a pound...guess that's just the way our babies grow!

Oliver is such a joy everyday...with those wide eyes and adorable dimples, you can't help but smile whenever you see him!

Love him!

Happy man :)

Who knew a yawn could be so cute?!


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