13 Months Old!

It's amazing what happens in a years time! E is now officially moving into the toddler stage - he still had his baby boyish looks, but he's on the move and doing more/new things every day! Here is what he is up to at 13 months:
- Officially walking! He's even getting in to jogging - or is it yagging, might be a soft J - to get to something quickly that he knows he probably shouldn't be going to (any open door!)
- Totally switched over to drinking cows milk and out of a sippy cup!
- Enjoys fruit and toast with almond butter for breakfast most days
- Says 'up' very clearly. He hasn't totally gotten down when he should say it, but he'll get there.
- Favorite toy is currently his snack cup...yes, his snack cup and his favorite activity is walking around the house with his snack cup "talking". See video clip below for what an average morning is like in the Wolf Den.


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